Mother Angela’s

foundation for the pursuit of happiness


We dream of a world in which basic needs are meaningfully met— where healthcare, housing, work/life balance and a quality education are accessible to every single American,* and the pursuit of happiness is truly a right, not a fairytale from ages past. 

Sure, we can’t tackle all this at once (we’re realists), but we can start by prioritizing public education and the three H’s— home, health and healing.

Alongside education, these are the cornerstones of our work.  We believe the following to be not only paramount to the pursuit of happiness, but a rudimental framework of what could be guaranteed to all if we can only work together: 

  1. a safe home; 

  2. access to clean food, health education, all branches of healthcare; and 

  3. the opportunity to heal— from illness, injury, abuse, addiction, loss, food insecurity, post-traumatic stress or any other medically diagnosable trauma or chronic health issue. 

The client program individualizes the HHH approach to support families’ unique needs and find a permanent path out of poverty, while the community programs include mutual aid events, resource pamphlets, food support for the unhoused and a teacher aid fund.

home, health

& healing


clients: All clients will be living within the most current federal poverty guidelines, but we prioritize those with children (especially single-income households) as well as those at immediate risk of harm due to any combination of the following: 

communities: We want to pour wealth into the communities whose needs have gone unmet the longest. We’re starting with urban, low-income communities affected by generational poverty, and plan to eventually expand aid to rural areas and tribal lands in the most need. 

donors: We’re looking for donors who are living comfortably and believe in our mantra, “Share Whatcha Got.”  If that’s you, we invite you to make us your monthly donation recipients— especially if you have a connection to any of our locations— and rest in the knowledge (thanks to our transparency-centric email & social media updates) that every dollar is being stretched to its maximum capacity to make the pursuit of happiness as possible for our clientele as it is for you.

  • domestic violence

  • racial, religious or lgbtqia persecution

  • sexual assault / human trafficking

  • health emergencies

  • substance abuse  
  • loss or lack of sufficient housing 
  • gun or gang violence

  • mental illness


Launched/ In Testing

  • San Francisco, CA

  • Birmingham, AL

  • New Orleans, LA

Next Up

  • Washington, DC

Eventually (non-exhaustive)

  • Richmond, VA

  • San Juan Mountains, CO

  • Pamunkey Tribe (VA)

  • Other Underserved Urban Neighborhoods, Rural Counties, Mining Towns and Tribal Lands in the Southeast, Gulf Coast and Southwest

*obviously we’d prefer if every human on earth were granted these rights, but we’re not queens of the world! nor do we believe in monarchy

(but we are women-owned & operated, if you didn’t catch that)